Title: Jet Rat
Developer: Angry Cat Studios
Release date: TBA
Platforms: Windows
Project phase: Prototyping
Engine: Unity
Jet Rat is a "steamjunk," story-driven action-platformer-RPG set in a unique, rattastic world full of mischief, heroism and secrets, in which you create your very own rat to embark on a journey to save Ratlantic City from the evil of its corrupt mayor, Hector LeBlanc the Third.
"A mechanic falls. A hero rises. A legacy continues."
Angry Cat Studios was founded in 2015 with 5 members. Our first game was Ultimate Space Commando, published on Steam in May 2015, developed by our lead developer Aliza Wenders in solo at that time. In the next year we experimented with a few prototypes in a search for our next project, including a little sneak peek into the Android platform that resulted in our free-to-play app PROBE. Once again, we're back into the world of PC games to bring you a rattastic platformer RPG! Currently we have 6 colleagues: the lead developer/game designer, a graphic artist, a CEO/marketing manager, a marketing assistant/"mechanic", an office manager, and a co-owner/cameraman with great visions ;-). Though we are a very small company, we are still triple A: adorable, angry and authentic ;-)!
Lead developer / Programmer / Game designer: Aliza Wenders
Lead graphic artist: Derwen Llewelyn
Tester / Marketing assistant: Lev
Marketing manager / Managing director: Szilvia Szűcs
Co-owner / Cameraman: Figusz
Office manager: Ancsika
Angry Cat Studios does allow the contents of this game to be published through video broadcasting services, but only with due attribution of Angry Cat Studios.
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